Monday, October 27, 2014

You really don’t know how much you miss someone… until you see them again.

I got to see my BFF (of all BFFs, mind you, that I have or ever will have) today.  I think it has been a couple of years since our paths crossed. 

I have known this girl for 53 years.  I don’t recall the first time I saw her or the first time we decided to be friends.  I do know that if it were not for her I would not have made it through high school.

Brilliant, tall, lovely and quiet was this friend.  She was my back and I was her's.  We were there for each other.  I can't even remember having a fight.  We talked for hours about nothing on the telephone.  We lamented and laughed… were heartbroken for each other… made plans and schemes together.   She was my BFF before I even knew what a BFF was.

In our 30's and 40's we raised our children and mostly had lives apart from each other.  We were distant for a while but always stayed in touch.  

And today it was as if we had never been apart.  As we age together (only a week apart are our birthdays) I realize what friendship means to me.  Maybe as I get older I think about these things and prioritize them.  

And I was reminded of it tonight when I saw her again.

I listened to her talk, I watched her and remembered all those conversations we had in the past.  She listened to me and I listened to her.  It’s not just drama; these are thoughts and feelings and are truly our hearts.  I was able to open up to her about things that had really been bothering me that I had not talked with anyone about (only to God).  I realize I have so missed talking to her and being with her one on one.  

For the very first time since I left, I sorta wished I lived closer to my old hometown so that I could spend more time with her again.  (That was a passing thought, however.)

We planned and schemed and were girls again tonight.  Aren’t friends the GREATEST???!!

When we put our glasses on I realized we looked like sisters!  Kinda. 
Here we are!