I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I suddenly could relive my Precious Years of Memories anytime, any place.
Let me explain.
It started with the Days of Yore, 1981 and before. |
Then I went to Precious Years of Memories, 1982-84. |
I added Precious Years of Memories, 1985-90.
This was my life in pictures from the time i was about 10 until I was 35.
I may not be particular about a lot of things. Those who know me know that I am fairly flexible and bend in a lot of different directions on just about everything.
But when it comes to family history in photographs… I do not yield.
I was recently introduced to a company called FOREVER. They venture to live up to their name. They keep your family’s important photographic history safe forever. Come what may, they say. They will keep it safe.
Initially I was not impressed. So what? I am pretty technically savvy. I back up my photos on three sources. I recently have had all my old VHS tapes, cassette tapes, slides, negatives and photos digitized. (I spent a small fortune doing it.) And it was important to me. And I would guess that it is important to you, too!?
So I wasn’t impressed. But then I learned that the company has a trust to tuck away funds to always be able to convert and return your important family stories back to you! Read all about it RIGHT HERE. Scroll down past the cost to the important stuff.
I was all in. Now, let me tell you my FOREVER story, since now I am an AMBASSADOR.
I decided to have my traditional albums digitized because when I signed on as an Ambassador to FOREVER, I received a $50 gift coupon to have digitizing done… who can pass that up?
I purchased an album box for $150 (and had another $25 off coupon for Ambassadors to use toward the scrapbooking software and content) so I really got the box for $125. Oh and I must not forget to mention that I will be paid commission on that “sale”!
Well, this album box I placed the pages from three albums, minus their page covers. I sealed it up and used the prepaid Federal Express label that came with the box. I marched it down the block to my Fed-Ex drop off point.
Three weeks later I had the most wonderful e-mail stating that my project was in my LIBRARY. We were traveling at the time and I was able to see my wonderful pages on my FOREVER APP.
As I looked through my pages, zooming in on the photos and journaling… I cannot tell you how it made me feel.
“My goodness, that granddude looks just like his Daddy did at 14 months!” (I had forgotten.)
“It was a cold Christmas in South Georgia that year!” (We had to wear our coats in the house!)
“It must have been a Friday. I could tell by what I’d made for breakfast.” (Reliving my daily routine that I thought would never end, until it finally did…. FOREVER.)
These few memories would always be there for my future generations. No matter if there was flood or fire, they’d be there. I can now rest easy.