Monday, May 19, 2014


What do you do with your disappointment?

I've discovered that my disappointment will go down one of two paths:  1) I embed it and then it turns to anger and bitterness which can erupt at any given moment; or  2) I embrace it, go forward and use it for my benefit.

I learned this just yesterday when I suffered a minor disappointment.  Well, shoot a monkee!   This was something I had looked forward to and anxiously awaited for a few weeks!  It just didn’t happen.  (No one to blame; only Life.)

So yesterday I chose to forget the circumstances and use that extra energy to my organizing advantage.  It seems I ALWAYS have something to organize, don’t YOU??

Thus, I made distinct headway in organizing a project I was currently working on (with only minor enthusiasm and at a snail’s pace)!   By the end of the eight hours that I had dedicated to working, the project was newly inspired and organized!

This is not typical of me.  Yes, I usually sit around and because there is so much to do I just continue to sit.  And mope.  And whine.

So now I discovered that here’s a little cheese to go along with that whine:  Disappointment can help you!  Sometimes disappointment will bring creativity to seemingly uncreative people!  

Try this and let me know if it works for you just like it did for me:   Choose a disappointment you have experienced, maybe one you just can't handle, and use it to bring new light into your life just by letting go of it!  I know this sounds like madness, but it did work for me!   From now on, I will try to channel those energies anew!

Here’s the child life album I organized yesterday.  The material was (physically) ripped from an old paper-type scrapbook and is now ready to be re-written into a photo-safe album.  This stack represents ages 3 to Graduation, including all school memorabilia and photos as well as some background papers to use for various subject as I make them all into an album celebrating the life of my son!  

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