Thursday, June 5, 2014

You are making these right now.

Memories, that is.  

What memories are you making this summer?

School is out; schedules are relaxed for summer.  No matter what your plans (or no plans!), you will be making memories this summer.  You may not be jet-setting around the world or taking a “formal” vacation.  Nevertheless you are making your very own unique memories.

I just so happen to be seeing a part of the world I only dreamed I would see when looking at the map.  I have been many places on Planet Earth but where I will be this summer is a place I never knew if I wanted to see, being born in the 50’s, growing up in the 60’s and having my young and impressionable adulthood during the Cold War.  

Yes, my memories will be made in Russia and surrounding Baltic countries with the Hubs.  It ill be a learning and cultural vacation for me, as this is usually what I seek when I travel.

And as I travel, I’ll be documenting it all, via Facebook, this blog, a handwritten journal and eventually a Photo Album filled with pictures and memorabilia so that when I am old and can't remember, I'll always have something to remind me of the details of the places we visited.  

As exciting is my summer trip is, so is yours.  I  can say this will the utmost authority as I remember my earlier years when we had no particular “adventure” but these memories are still fond and vibrant ones as well.

So whatever your adventures this summer, may they be happy and blessed!

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