We are in an area of western California known as Big Sur. When we checked into our lodge three days ago it was raining. We had no idea at the time that rain would be all we would see for the next three days.
We had hoped to commune with nature and have some outdoorsy adventures... like hiking. I had envisioned arising at daylight, having a hearty breakfast and taking off until sunset. My first two visions have sort of happened; the latter has only been a vision so far. The rain has kept us off the trails of this beautiful state park.
Until today.
Rain had been predicted until late Thursday so I had resolved to myself I would enjoy the few bursts of sunlight we were able to obtain. I had even mentioned to the Hubs, “At least everything is so green!” I am really glad those forecasts are not always right.
Today was the day we had decided to do the Point Sur Light Station tour. (If you know me, you know I hardly can pass up a good lighthouse -- ANYWHERE.) We had seen the Light Station on a big rock just south of Carmel on Highway 1. We checked out the schedules and days of the tours and picked today as the best day for us to do it.
All through the night last night it rained. Peaceful, wonderful, sleeping rain! When we awoke this morning to the same wonderful rain, I figured that Our Light Station Tour was probably going to be cancelled.
We arose (before) dawn. While having a hearty breakfast, Hubs prayed we would have “good weather.” I agreed with him, in prayer. Yes, wouldn’t that be nice, Lord?
We then casually headed north about 10 miles to the tour meeting point: mile marker 54.1. Though we’d arrived early, there were already three cars waiting at the gate!
And as we waited for the tour to start, the sun began to shine. It did shine. And there it was... shining some more!
This particular tour was a walking tour... about 1 mile straight up the rock and 1 mile back down the rock. And what a fabulous tour it was! The sky was the bluest I have ever seen a sky. The wind was barely blowing. Hubs and I agreed after the tour that it was like none other we’d ever done.
But the best part was halfway through the light station I realized that we actually had been graced with good weather after we’d asked for it. It really was supposed to rain today after all, wasn’t it? My faith was increased over such a small favor...
After the tour, we hit the slippery trail for about a mile or so to a very TALL waterfall and hugged a few very LARGE trees.
More good news for us: the weather forecast looks sunny for the rest of our time here!
My vision was dream-come-true, like most of my life these days.
The Big Rock with a Lighthouse.
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