The past few weeks I’ve been suffering from inflammation of the rotator cuff. I am not quite sure how it happened. It’s just one of those things that happen when you get old. I was told yesterday, “Women in your age bracket can experience a frozen shoulder; if you notice increased limitation on your range, call me or your physical therapist as soon as you can.”
What’s that supposed to mean? Women in my age bracket? As my research reveals, menopausal women are more likely to suffer a frozen shoulder than just about anybody. Since I am post-menopausal, I figure I am out of the woods.
From my best guess it happened while shifting boxes and crates in storage. Since it is my right arm, perhaps I was favoring my right side at the time. Now it turns out to be menopause that is the culprit. LOL.
After four weeks of physical therapy without much change I finally gave in and decided to have a cortisone shot. I’ve had these bad boys while suffering from tennis elbow many years ago so you might guess I was not really excited about this concept. But after disturbing my sleep for so many nights (I can’t sleep on my stomach anymore) I called the PA and scheduled the shot.
I must say the pain in my shoulder today is not as bad as it was yesterday. But it is still not 100%. All it took was a little shot in the arm to give me hope for a quicker recovery. I know that if I follow through with my home therapy and rest it some, my chances are greater that it will heal completely.
All this said, I was thinking about how I might could be a shot in your arm. I could help you organize your photo chaos and enjoy your photos again. Even though you’ve been putting it off for a long time, you could feel much better the day after I come in with the injection.
What’s your excuse for putting it off?
(The red area is your photos and please note that they are “frozen”.)
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